NFT Launch Pool

The NFT Launch Pool is a "restricted security" filed in compliance with the Security Exchange Commission under rule 506(b).

Token Allocation - 6,000,000 $DCAP

Hardcap - $3,000,000 / Minimum Order $3,000 usd

Specific Rules - All NFT sales MUST be to accredited investors, which 35 exemptions for non-accredited investors. Sales must be approved by the Company, and must be processed through our partner SyndicatePro.

How It Works

Qualified users purchase any amount over $3000 and will receive an NFT after the pool is funded or by June 1st, 2022, & $DCAP for the strike price of $0.50. The NFT Pool will receive 5% on Company profits before they are used as buybacks.

Each NFT will receive a proportional dividend in relation to their investment and the pool size. ie: an investor deposit 50,000 usd into the NFT pool. They are airdropped a total of 100,000 $DCAP that is distributed in four payments quarterly. Once they are airdropped the token, it is free for trade. However, the NFT will not be released for 1 year. Their investment is equal to 1.667% of all the funds distributed to the NFT Pool for the life of the company.

NFT's can only be sold after 1 year and must be sold to accredited investors.

Last updated